The national Fire Danger Rating System is designed to apply in 42 distinct regions each with different fire conditions. Within each region data relating to flammable fuel structure and condition (fuel models) must be specified, together with daily forecast weather data, for inputting to the fire danger model. This model is used to calculate daily forecast Fire Danger Index values. The forecast indices of fire danger are then entered into a Fire Danger Rating Table. The table classifies fire danger rating in five categories:

This link will enable you to download a Fire Danger Rating Table issued by DAFF
- When the danger rating is insignificant (blue), the fire danger is so low that no precaution is needed.
- When the rating is low (green), fires - including prescribed burns - may be allowed in the open air on the condition that persons making fires take reasonable precautions against fires spreading.
- When the rating is moderate (yellow), the fire danger is such that no fires may be allowed in the open air except those that are authorised by the Chief Fire Officer of the local fire service and those in designated fireplaces; authorised fires may include prescribed burns.
- When the rating is high (orange), the fire danger is such that no fires may be allowed under any circumstances in the open air.
- When the rating is extreme (red), the fire danger is such that no fires may be allowed under any circumstances in the open air, and special emergency fire preparedness measures must be invoked.
Below is a calculator used by many FPAs to calculate the Fire Danger Rating at specific times of the day:
If you do not have the days since rain or rainfall then leave them blank.